seriously silly. soup enthusiast. saved by grace.

Meet Hayley

Central North Carolina Wedding and Motherhood photographer

North Carolina native - wife - mother - photographer - musician - aspiring homesteader - minivan driver - knowledge seeker - serial DIYer - chicken tender - hobby collector - homebirther - adventurer - light chaser

Natural, Classic Images

It is so important to find a photographer with a style that represents YOU who can create images you ADORE! If you love clean, bright, natural light, slightly warm tones, and true to life color, I'm your girl. My goal is to leave you with beautiful images you can display in your home, without having to worry about swapping them out when a new trend comes along.


1 Peter 4:10

For most of my life I thought the only way to happiness and success was through a four year degree and into a Career. I fought hard against my creativity, believing that it was for hobbies and personal time only. I went to college, earned my degree, failed the MCAT, got married, got a Career that had absolutely nothing to do with my biology degree, and then spent the first seven-ish years of post-college life feeling STUCK. College felt like an enormous waste of time and money (can I get an AMEN?). I watched my husband thrive in the career he was made for, and longed for something to bring ME joy, fulfillment, and a more complete sense of purpose. But I trudged along, putting my best effort into my work. I even earned a promotion that came with a desk at a window!

I didn't hate my job. It just never felt like enough.

Becoming a mother gave me direction and purpose. I threw my all into caring for my kids, and was blessed to work for a company that thought enough of me to allow me to work from home, even before the shut downs began in 2020. I had been gifted a nice camera from our baby registry and began fiddling with it at home to capture little moments of my son's infancy. Little by little, I taught myself to shoot in manual mode and started posting self portraits on Instagram with embarrassing captions like "I guess I'm calling myself a photographer now". Oh geez. Then, in 2019, my wedding photographer invited me to shadow a wedding with her and that was IT. I was hooked.

Hayley Jayne Photo became more than hobby in March of 2021.

I'm done fighting my creativity. I've found joy and fulfillment. The best part is that I am able to serve and love others through the creative gifts God has given me. Everyone wins, and He deserves all of the glory.